5 to 7 Figures. Really?

5 to 7 Figures. Really?

How do we make 5, 6 & 7-figure paydays? Do you find yourself wondering how we make such big returns in our land deals? Well, I’m going to spell it out for you in this video. There are numerous ways to make substantial returns in land deals.

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I Don’t Know Land!

I Don’t Know Land!

I Don't Know Land!! One of the common things we hear from our participants is that they're tired of seeing all the growth, all the new construction, all the new subdivisions, knowing that deals are being put together and a lot of money is being made, but

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Holiday Shut-Down?

Holiday Shut-Down?

Holiday Shut-Down? Many people shut down over the holiday season. They think to themselves, "I'll work on building my business just as soon as I get through the New Year." But when you think about it, between Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year's, that a span of around

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Life is 10% What Happens to You…

Life is 10% What Happens to You…

Love this quote. You could present the same exact challenge to two different people, and the outcome of each person could be completely different. So much of what we accomplish comes down to mindset. You mindset determines how you react to challenges. And your reaction determines your

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The Power of Now

The Power of Now

The Power of Now There’s no “perfect time” to take action. There’s no better time than RIGHT NOW. As humans, we love creating objections for ourselves. We are masters of creating reasons and stories for why we can’t move forward or progress. I think a lot of

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Efficiency = Freedom

Efficiency = Freedom

Efficiency = Freedom Efficiency. Delegation. Intensity. Grit. Resourcefulness. Pace. These are a few of the elements required to run a business. If you’ve got ’em, you need to book a call with us. We’ll show you how to take your skills and turn them into a 6

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Can I Work From Home?

Can I Work From Home?

Can I Work From Home? Q: Can I put land deals together from home? A: Absolutely! Not only can you put land deals together from your home office, but you can also target area outside of your home market. You can live in Portland, Oregon and target

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