Think Bigger

Think Bigger

Think Bigger We’ve been going through the goals for our various companies: 1-year, 3-year, 10-year, and we had a bit of an a-ha moment in looking at our 10-year goal. And that was that we’re not thinking big enough. In thinking through what we know can be

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Entrepreneurial Risk

Entrepreneurial Risk

Entrepreneurial Risk So today I wanted to talk about RISK. And more specifically, entrepreneurial risk. If you look up articles on the common traits of an entrepreneur, you’ll find that pretty much all of them agree that a common trait of a true entrepreneur is that they’re

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Busy vs Productive

Busy vs Productive

Busy vs Productive Hello everyone! Just a quick challenge for you all. As you look at the hours that you work, are they busy or are they PRODUCTIVE? Anyone can fill their day with busy work. Take a hard look at your hours. If they’re more busy

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Freedom and Entrepreneurship

Freedom and Entrepreneurship

Freedom and Entrepreneurship People who are drawn to becoming entrepreneurs – wanting to start their own business, be their own boss, run their own show – all have their own reasons and motivations. But one common motivator they almost all have in common… FREEDOM. Everyone wants freedom.

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Love What You Do

Love What You Do

If you asked me why I love putting together land deals, I’d respond by asking you how much time you have. For me, the list is so long. The financial reward is just the tip of the iceberg. There’s freedom, fulfillment, excitement, challenge… it goes on and

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13,000 Feet of Fear

13,000 Feet of Fear

13,000 Feet of Fear I took my daughter skydiving for her 18th birthday. What a fantastic experience!! In talking with some of the instructors, they said that they hear people all the time saying that they would love to go skydiving some day, but in reality, most

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Earnings, Hours & Glass Ceilings

Earnings, Hours & Glass Ceilings

Earnings, Hours & Glass Ceilings Glass ceiling: an unofficially acknowledged barrier to advancement in a profession I was talking to a guy recently who makes good money ($150-$200k/yr). But for him, that income level comes at a price. That price is time. His income is directly tied

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