Buyers – Big & Small

Buyers – Big & Small

Buyers, Big & Small People often wonder, when we put together land deals, but exit out of those deals prior to closing (and avoid all the big risks that come with purchasing property and constructing subdivisions), who are the buyers that we pass our deals on to?

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I have property listed

I have property listed

I have property listed Along with the common question “I have property. Can you give me some development advice?” (see last week’s post on that topic), we also often get a similar question that goes something like this: “Hey I’ve got a listing for a great piece

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Average Acreage

Average Acreage

Average Acreage We get a lot of questions about "averages". One common one is something like this: "What's the average acreage of your land deals?" Obviously, when it comes to goals and targets, averages are very important. But there are certain things that are difficult for us

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I Have Property

I Have Property

I Have Property We get a lot of people reaching out to us with a question that goes something like this: "Hello. I have 20 acres of property. I think it has development potential, but I don't know anything about land development. Can you give me some

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Biting Off More Than You Can Chew

Biting Off More Than You Can Chew

Even though entrepreneurs aren’t always 100% sure of how they’re going to fully execute their plan, they must be confident in their intelligence and abilities to figure it out. Most people are too scared to even try, and that’s what separates entrepreneurs from everyone else.

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