Please Share PIF.
I came up with PIF recently as I did some deep work related to my Why!
For those of you that don’t know what I mean by “Why”, go check out some of Simon Sinek’s work.
Purpose – we all need to figure out our individual Purpose. Your Purpose, not anyone else’s.
Impact – once you start truly living within your Purpose, it will lead to Impact.
Fulfillment – everyone is searching for Fulfillment even if they don’t know it. Impact leads to Fulfillment. I absolutely believe Fulfillment is not possible unless you are making a Positive Impact.
VestRight is a part of my Purpose.
I have almost 20 years of experience in a niche that very few know anything about. It’s a niche that I truly believe is one of the only true “Blue Ocean” opportunities left in real estate.
I don’t know of anyone else teaching what I am. To be able to have a positive impact on others through my knowledge and teaching is extremely Fulfilling.
I would bet if you click this link, you will learn something:
Please share this if PIF makes sense to you as it is close to my heart!
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