Why own a car like this?
This is the first sports car I ever owned back in 2006 when I was 28 years old.
I didn’t actually buy the car, I got it from a guy that owed me money.
I decided not to sell it right away because it fed me.
… because it feeds my ego… made me feel like I was in the spotlight, special… it went well with the “snot-nosed-punk kid” outlook I had back then… it was an image.
I’ve been humbled many times over again… thank goodness.
Own luxury “stuff” like this for the right reasons… because you can afford it, you appreciate the beauty, you enjoy how they drive, etc…
NOT because they are a part of your identity.
You are amazing with or with this “stuff”!
Full disclosure – I’m considering buying another luxury sports car right now, however, this time I’ll drive it for the right reasons and I recently moved to AZ where it’s always sunny!
My challenge is, make sure the decisions you make are for the right reasons!
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