Let Your Coach Help You Succeed

I absolutely suck at golf…but I have decided I want to be good at it.

I just finished at the driving range and was working on all the things that the coach I hired to give me lessons has encouraged me to practice.

If I didn't hire a coach and take lessons, I may never have figured out the right way to move my body, how to swing the club or the correct way to follow through. I probably could have figured it out eventually but it would have taken a whole lot longer and I would have made so many more mistakes along the way.

Isn't that true with anything in life where we want to improve or grow?

Having an educated and experienced coach will help you get to where you want to be quicker and more efficiently.

Here’s the thing though, a coach can teach you everything you need to know but unless you consistently apply and exercise those teachings it really doesn't matter what they have taught you.

Unless you are willing to stick with it, continue to fail and make the mistakes until it finally all comes together, then it's all for nothing!

The point that I am trying to make with my horrible golf game is this: Whatever it is right now that you are currently wanting more experience or education in, I encourage you to get yourself a coach. I encourage you to allow yourself to make the mistakes and get frustrated.

I get it! I have to remind myself regularly to be consistent, to stick with it, don't give up and continue to utilize my coach to grow in my game. Eventually, if I stay the course, I will not be embarrassed to go out and play with my friends and colleagues.

When it comes to VestRight and Land Deals Revealed, we are here to teach and coach you. We want you to get to the point where you are comfortable and secure enough to put together your own land deals the right way!

If you want to learn more about our coaching program and how our program can help you, take a look at our training video here: https://shrtlnk.co/KuwiM

It’s a great place to start because we’ll show you how we do it.

Posted by Cody Bjugan – VESTRIGHT on Thursday, July 9, 2020

I absolutely suck at golf…but I have decided I want to be good at it.

I just finished at the driving range and was working on all the things that the coach I hired to give me lessons has encouraged me to practice.

If I didn't hire a coach and take lessons, I may never have figured out the right way to move my body, how to swing the club or the correct way to follow through. I probably could have figured it out eventually but it would have taken a whole lot longer and I would have made so many more mistakes along the way.

Isn't that true with anything in life where we want to improve or grow?

Having an educated and experienced coach will help you get to where you want to be quicker and more efficiently.

Here’s the thing though, a coach can teach you everything you need to know but unless you consistently apply and exercise those teachings it really doesn't matter what they have taught you.

Unless you are willing to stick with it, continue to fail and make the mistakes until it finally all comes together, then it's all for nothing!

The point that I am trying to make with my horrible golf game is this: Whatever it is right now that you are currently wanting more experience or education in, I encourage you to get yourself a coach. I encourage you to allow yourself to make the mistakes and get frustrated.

I get it! I have to remind myself regularly to be consistent, to stick with it, don't give up and continue to utilize my coach to grow in my game. Eventually, if I stay the course, I will not be embarrassed to go out and play with my friends and colleagues.

When it comes to VestRight and Land Deals Revealed, we are here to teach and coach you. We want you to get to the point where you are comfortable and secure enough to put together your own land deals the right way!

If you want to learn more about our coaching program and how our program can help you, take a look at our presentation video here.

It’s a great place to start because we’ll show you how we do it.

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